int32 GuardedMain( const TCHAR* CmdLine )
EnginePreInit( CmdLine );
int32 FEngineLoop::PreInit(const TCHAR* CmdLine)
int32 FEngineLoop::PreInitPreStartupScreen(const TCHAR* CmdLine)
bool FEngineLoop::AppInit( )
PluginManager.CheckModuleCompatibility(IncompatibleFiles, IncompatibleEngineFiles);
FModuleDescriptor::CheckModuleCompatibility(CurrentProject->Modules, OutIncompatibleModules);
FModuleManifest::TryRead(FileName, Manifest)
"BuildId": "488e2f37-bf07-4f46-8a3e-5e5a4141fbac",
"ShootLikeMe": "UnrealEditor-ShootLikeMe.dll",
"ShootLikeMeEditor": "UnrealEditor-ShootLikeMeEditor.dll"
如果ide(eg:vs/rider)启动游戏,在启动引擎前就会编译好所有dll文件。 如果不是ide启动,实际调用UBT去处理编译(实际还是调用ide依赖的编译器比如msvc),当然前置会做一些检查工作。 如果Intermediate目录还在,Binaries删了,应该是只有链接过程,很快就能在Binaries下生成dll。 如果编译的dll版本不匹配会提示:The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version
ProjectManager.CheckModuleCompatibility和PluginManager.CheckModuleCompatibility检查dll版本不匹配或者不存在就会启动编译 编译主要逻辑在DesktopPlatformWindows.cpp,实际是调用的RunUnrealBuildTool来编译
int32 FEngineLoop::PreInitPreStartupScreen(const TCHAR* CmdLine)
bool bCompileResult = FDesktopPlatformModule::Get()->CompileGameProject(FPaths::RootDir(), FPaths::GetProjectFilePath(), Context, &CompilationResult);
FFeedbackContextMarkup::PipeProcessOutput(Description, UnrealBuildToolPath, Arguments, Warn, &OutExitCode) && OutExitCode == 0;
启动UBT的参数例如:”E:/Dev_5.4/Editor/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Build.bat Development Win64 -Project=”E:/Dev_5.4/Project/**/**.uproject” -TargetType=Editor -Progress -NoEngineChanges -NoHotReloadFromIDE”
UnrealTargetPlatform:Win64 Mac IOS Android Linux UnrealTargetConfiguration: Debug DebugGame Development Test Shipping
最后调用dotnet Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.dll
Global options:
-Help : Display this help.
-Verbose : Increase output verbosity
-VeryVerbose : Increase output verbosity more
-Log : Specify a log file location instead of the default Engine/Programs/UnrealBuildTool/Log.txt
-TraceWrites : Trace writes requested to the specified file
-Timestamps : Include timestamps in the log
-FromMsBuild : Format messages for msbuild
-SuppressSDKWarnings : Missing SDKs error verbosity level will be reduced from warning to log
-Progress : Write progress messages in a format that can be parsed by other programs
-NoMutex : Allow more than one instance of the program to run at once
-WaitMutex : Wait for another instance to finish and then start, rather than aborting immediately
-RemoteIni : Remote tool ini directory
-Mode= : Select tool mode. One of the following (default tool mode is "Build"):
AggregateClangTimingInfo, AggregateParsedTimingInfo, Analyze, ApplePostBuildSync, Build,
ClRepro, Clean, Deploy, Execute, FixIncludePaths, GenerateClangDatabase, GenerateProjectFiles,
IOSPostBuildSync, IWYU, InlineGeneratedCpps, JsonExport, PVSGather, ParseMsvcTimingInfo,
PipInstall, PrintBuildGraphInfo, ProfileUnitySizes, Query, QueryTargets, Server, SetupPlatforms,
Test, UnrealHeaderTool, ValidatePlatforms, WriteDocumentation, WriteMetadata
-Clean : Clean build products. Equivalent to -Mode=Clean
-ProjectFiles : Generate project files based on IDE preference. Equivalent to -Mode=GenerateProjectFiles
-ProjectFileFormat= : Generate project files in specified format. May be used multiple times.
-Makefile : Generate Linux Makefile
-CMakefile : Generate project files for CMake
-QMakefile : Generate project files for QMake
-KDevelopfile : Generate project files for KDevelop
-CodeliteFiles : Generate project files for Codelite
-XCodeProjectFiles : Generate project files for XCode
-EddieProjectFiles : Generate project files for Eddie
-VSCode : Generate project files for Visual Studio Code
-VSMac : Generate project files for Visual Studio Mac
-CLion : Generate project files for CLion
-Rider : Generate project files for Rider
UnrealBuildTool是个C#工程 E:\Dev_5.4\Editor\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool
Compiler: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe Linker: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\bin\Hostx64\x64\link.exe Library Manager: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\bin\Hostx64\x64\lib.exe
UnrealBuildTool Building Log堆栈
private static int Main(string[] ArgumentsArray)
ToolMode Mode = (ToolMode)Activator.CreateInstance(ModeType)!;
Result = Mode.ExecuteAsync(Arguments, Logger).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration = new BuildConfiguration();
await BuildAsync(TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration, WorkingSet, Options, WriteOutdatedActionsFile, Logger, bSkipPreBuildTargets);
TargetMakefile NewMakefile = await CreateMakefileAsync(BuildConfiguration, TargetDescriptors[Idx], WorkingSet, Logger);
Target = UEBuildTarget.Create(TargetDescriptor, BuildConfiguration, Logger);
public void PreBuildSetup(ILogger Logger)
Logger.LogDebug("Building {AppName} - {TargetName} - {Platform} - {Configuration}", AppName, TargetName, Platform, Configuration);
FBlueprintCompilationManager::NotifyBlueprintLoaded(UBlueprint* BPLoaded)
点编辑器蓝图编译按钮时调用如下函数编译blueprint FBlueprintCompilationManager::CompileSynchronously(const FBPCompileRequest& Request)
启动项目时不会主动编译所有蓝图,需要启动设置参数UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe MyGame\MyProject.uproject -RUN=CompileAllBlueprints 在PreInitPreStartupScreen函数中解析所有的Commandlet参数,编译蓝图启动的是UCompileAllBlueprintsCommandlet去处理所有蓝图
int32 FEngineLoop::PreInitPreStartupScreen(const TCHAR* CmdLine)
if (ParsedSwitch.StartsWith(TEXT("RUN=")))
FString LocalToken = ParsedSwitch.RightChop(4);
if (!LocalToken.EndsWith(TEXT("Commandlet")))
LocalToken += TEXT("Commandlet");
int32 UCompileAllBlueprintsCommandlet::Main(const FString& Params)
FKismetEditorUtilities::CompileBlueprint(Blueprint, EBlueprintCompileOptions::SkipGarbageCollection, &MessageLog);
FBlueprintCompilationManager::CompileSynchronously(FBPCompileRequest(BlueprintObj, CompileFlags, pResults));
收集所有蓝图用到模块FAssetRegistryModule,文档说明如下 https://dev.epicgames.com/documentation/zh-cn/unreal-engine/asset-registry-in-unreal-engine?application_version=5.3
void UCompileAllBlueprintsCommandlet::BuildBlueprintAssetList()
UE_LOG(LogCompileAllBlueprintsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Loading Asset Registry..."));
FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>(AssetRegistryConstants::ModuleName);
AssetRegistryModule.Get().SearchAllAssets(/*bSynchronousSearch =*/true);
UE_LOG(LogCompileAllBlueprintsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Finished Loading Asset Registry."));
UE_LOG(LogCompileAllBlueprintsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Gathering All Blueprints From Asset Registry..."));
AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetAssetsByClass(BlueprintBaseClassName, BlueprintAssetList, true);
void FAssetRegistryImpl::Initialize(Impl::FInitializeContext& Context)
void FAssetRegistryImpl::SearchAllAssetsInitialAsync(Impl::FEventContext& EventContext,
Impl::FClassInheritanceContext& InheritanceContext)
void FAssetRegistryImpl::SearchAllAssets(Impl::FEventContext& EventContext,
Impl::FClassInheritanceContext& InheritanceContext, bool bSynchronousSearch)
TRACE_BEGIN_REGION(TEXT("Asset Registry Scan"));
FAssetRegistryModule提供加载uasset转uobject的途径,可以查询操作资产,管理了资产的引用和依赖关系。如果要修复引用或者删除没引用的资产可以从这里开始。 AssetDataGatherer负责收集所有资产生成CachedAssetRegistry_*.bin
Asset Registry Scan (50.4s)
UAssetRegistryImpl::SearchAllAssets (4s)
- Config
- PluginManager
- AssetRegistry
- RenderDocPlugin
- Device
- Config CVar
- Memory
- TextLocalizationResource
- AssetRegistry
- DeviceProfileManager
- ShaderCompilers
- LiveCoding
- Python
- Initializing Engine…
- Initializing game features subsystem
- Texture streaming
- Audio相关
- SourceControl
- 各种Profiler:网络/内存/时间/加载
- Display: Engine is initialized. Leaving FEngineLoop::Init()
- Load Map
- PakFile
- (Engine Initialization) Total time: 51.72 seconds
if (UUserDefinedStruct* const UserDefinedStruct = Cast<UUserDefinedStruct>(Obj))
if (UUserDefinedStructEditorData* UDSEditorData = Cast<UUserDefinedStructEditorData>(UserDefinedStruct->EditorData))
for (FStructVariableDescription& StructVariableDesc : UDSEditorData->VariablesDescriptions)
static const FName TextCategory = TEXT("text"); // Must match UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Text
if (StructVariableDesc.Category == TextCategory)
FText StructVariableValue;
if (FTextStringHelper::ReadFromBuffer(*StructVariableDesc.DefaultValue, StructVariableValue) && KeyText(StructVariableValue))
FTextStringHelper::WriteToBuffer(StructVariableDesc.DefaultValue, StructVariableValue);
int32 FEngineLoop::PreInitPreStartupScreen(const TCHAR* CmdLine)
// InitEngineTextLocalization loads Paks, needs Oodle(压缩工具) to be setup before here
LogInit: Overriding language with editor language configuration option (zh-Hans).
LogInit: Using OS detected locale (zh-CN).
LogTextLocalizationResource: LocRes '../../../Engine/Content/Localization/Editor/zh/Editor.locres' could not be opened for reading!
LogTextLocalizationResource: LocRes '../../../Engine/Content/Localization/EditorTutorials/zh/EditorTutorials.locres' could not be opened for reading!
LogTextLocalizationResource: LocRes '../../../Engine/Content/Localization/Keywords/zh/Keywords.locres' could not be opened for reading!
LogTextLocalizationResource: LocRes '../../../Engine/Content/Localization/Category/zh/Category.locres' could not be opened for reading!
LogTextLocalizationResource: LocRes '../../../Engine/Content/Localization/ToolTips/zh/ToolTips.locres' could not be opened for reading!
LogTextLocalizationResource: LocRes '../../../Engine/Content/Localization/Engine/zh/Engine.locres' could not be opened for reading!
LogTextLocalizationResource: LocRes '../../../Engine/Plugins/Online/OnlineSubsystemUtils/Content/Localization/OnlineSubsystemUtils/zh/OnlineSubsystemUtils.locres' could not be opened for reading!
LogTextLocalizationResource: LocRes '../../../Engine/Plugins/Online/OnlineSubsystem/Content/Localization/OnlineSubsystem/zh/OnlineSubsystem.locres' could not be opened for reading!
LogTextLocalizationResource: LocRes '../../../Engine/Plugins/Online/Android/OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay/Content/Localization/OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay/zh/OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay.locres' could not be opened for reading!
LogTextLocalizationResource: LocRes '../../../Engine/Plugins/Online/IOS/OnlineSubsystemIOS/Content/Localization/OnlineSubsystemIOS/zh/OnlineSubsystemIOS.locres' could not be opened for reading!
"Text": "(No slot name)\nSlot"
"Text": "(没有插槽名称)\n插槽"
"Key": "SlotNodeTitle_NoName"
// Transfer the platform types to global types
//~ Unsigned base types.
/// An 8-bit unsigned integer.
typedef FPlatformTypes::uint8 uint8;
/// A 16-bit unsigned integer.
typedef FPlatformTypes::uint16 uint16;
/// A 32-bit unsigned integer.
typedef FPlatformTypes::uint32 uint32;
/// A 64-bit unsigned integer.
typedef FPlatformTypes::uint64 uint64;
//~ Signed base types.
/// An 8-bit signed integer.
typedef FPlatformTypes::int8 int8;
/// A 16-bit signed integer.
typedef FPlatformTypes::int16 int16;
/// A 32-bit signed integer.
typedef FPlatformTypes::int32 int32;
/// A 64-bit signed integer.
typedef FPlatformTypes::int64 int64;
//~ Character types.
/// An ANSI character. Normally a signed type.
typedef FPlatformTypes::ANSICHAR ANSICHAR;
/// A wide character. Normally a signed type.
typedef FPlatformTypes::WIDECHAR WIDECHAR;
/// Either ANSICHAR or WIDECHAR, depending on whether the platform supports wide characters or the requirements of the licensee.
typedef FPlatformTypes::TCHAR TCHAR;
/// An 8-bit character containing a UTF8 (Unicode, 8-bit, variable-width) code unit.
typedef FPlatformTypes::UTF8CHAR UTF8CHAR;
/// A 16-bit character containing a UCS2 (Unicode, 16-bit, fixed-width) code unit, used for compatibility with 'Windows TCHAR' across multiple platforms.
typedef FPlatformTypes::CHAR16 UCS2CHAR;
/// A 16-bit character containing a UTF16 (Unicode, 16-bit, variable-width) code unit.
typedef FPlatformTypes::CHAR16 UTF16CHAR;
/// A 32-bit character containing a UTF32 (Unicode, 32-bit, fixed-width) code unit.
typedef FPlatformTypes::CHAR32 UTF32CHAR;
/// An unsigned integer the same size as a pointer
typedef FPlatformTypes::UPTRINT UPTRINT;
/// A signed integer the same size as a pointer
typedef FPlatformTypes::PTRINT PTRINT;
/// An unsigned integer the same size as a pointer, the same as UPTRINT
typedef FPlatformTypes::SIZE_T SIZE_T;
/// An integer the same size as a pointer, the same as PTRINT
typedef FPlatformTypes::SSIZE_T SSIZE_T;
/// The type of the NULL constant.
typedef FPlatformTypes::TYPE_OF_NULL TYPE_OF_NULL;
/// The type of the C++ nullptr keyword.
* Generic types for almost all compilers and platforms
struct FGenericPlatformTypes
//~ Unsigned base types
// 8-bit unsigned integer
typedef unsigned char uint8;
// 16-bit unsigned integer
typedef unsigned short int uint16;
// 32-bit unsigned integer
typedef unsigned int uint32;
// 64-bit unsigned integer
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
//~ Signed base types.
// 8-bit signed integer
typedef signed char int8;
// 16-bit signed integer
typedef signed short int int16;
// 32-bit signed integer
typedef signed int int32;
// 64-bit signed integer
typedef signed long long int64;
//~ Character types
// An ANSI character. 8-bit fixed-width representation of 7-bit characters.
typedef char ANSICHAR;
// A wide character. In-memory only. ?-bit fixed-width representation of the platform's natural wide character set. Could be different sizes on different platforms.
typedef wchar_t WIDECHAR;
// An 8-bit character type. In-memory only. 8-bit representation. Should really be char8_t but making this the generic option is easier for compilers which don't fully support C++20 yet.
enum UTF8CHAR : unsigned char {};
// An 8-bit character type. In-memory only. 8-bit representation.
/* UE_DEPRECATED(5.0) */[[deprecated("FPlatformTypes::CHAR8 is deprecated, please use FPlatformTypes::UTF8CHAR instead.")]]
typedef uint8 CHAR8;
// A 16-bit character type. In-memory only. 16-bit representation. Should really be char16_t but making this the generic option is easier for compilers which don't fully support C++11 yet (i.e. MSVC).
typedef uint16 CHAR16;
// A 32-bit character type. In-memory only. 32-bit representation. Should really be char32_t but making this the generic option is easier for compilers which don't fully support C++11 yet (i.e. MSVC).
typedef uint32 CHAR32;
// A switchable character. In-memory only. Either ANSICHAR or WIDECHAR, depending on a licensee's requirements.
// Unsigned int. The same size as a pointer.
typedef SelectIntPointerType<uint32, uint64, sizeof(void*)>::TIntPointer UPTRINT;
// Signed int. The same size as a pointer.
typedef SelectIntPointerType<int32, int64, sizeof(void*)>::TIntPointer PTRINT;
// Unsigned int. The same size as a pointer.
// Signed int. The same size as a pointer.
typedef int32 TYPE_OF_NULL;
typedef decltype(nullptr) TYPE_OF_NULLPTR;
namespace UnrealBuildTool
/// <summary>
/// Specifies which language standard to use. This enum should be kept in order, so that toolchains can check whether the requested setting is >= values that they support.
/// </summary>
public enum CppStandardVersion
/// <summary>
/// Supports C++14. No longer maintained, will be removed in 5.5
/// </summary>
Cpp14 = 0,
/// <summary>Supports C++17</summary>
Cpp17 = 1,
/// <summary>Supports C++20</summary>
Cpp20 = 2,
/// <summary>
/// Use the default standard version (BuildSettingsVersion.V1-V3: Cpp17, V4: Cpp20)
/// </summary>
Default = 2,
/// <summary>Use the default standard version for engine modules</summary>
EngineDefault = 2,
/// <summary>Latest standard supported by the compiler</summary>
Latest = 3,
1 秒(s) = 1000 毫秒(ms) 1 毫秒(ms) = 1000 微秒(μs) 1 微秒(μs) = 1000 纳秒(ns)
1 秒(s) = 1000×1000×1000 纳秒(ns) 1 秒(s) = 1000×1000 微秒(μs)
FDateTime中Tick计量单位为100 nanoseconds
struct FDateTime
/** Holds the ticks in 100 nanoseconds resolution since January 1, 0001 A.D. */
int64 Ticks;
bool FDateTime::Validate(int32 Year, int32 Month, int32 Day, int32 Hour, int32 Minute, int32 Second, int32 Millisecond)
return (Year >= 1) && (Year <= 9999) &&
(Month >= 1) && (Month <= 12) &&
(Day >= 1) && (Day <= DaysInMonth(Year, Month)) &&
(Hour >= 0) && (Hour <= 23) &&
(Minute >= 0) && (Minute <= 59) &&
(Second >= 0) && (Second <= 59) &&
(Millisecond >= 0) && (Millisecond <= 999);
* Time span related constants.
namespace ETimespan
/** The maximum number of ticks that can be represented in FTimespan. */
inline constexpr int64 MaxTicks = 9223372036854775807;
/** The minimum number of ticks that can be represented in FTimespan. */
inline constexpr int64 MinTicks = -9223372036854775807 - 1;
/** The number of nanoseconds per tick. */
inline constexpr int64 NanosecondsPerTick = 100;
/** The number of timespan ticks per day. */
inline constexpr int64 TicksPerDay = 864000000000;
/** The number of timespan ticks per hour. */
inline constexpr int64 TicksPerHour = 36000000000;
/** The number of timespan ticks per microsecond. */
inline constexpr int64 TicksPerMicrosecond = 10;
/** The number of timespan ticks per millisecond. */
inline constexpr int64 TicksPerMillisecond = 10000;
/** The number of timespan ticks per minute. */
inline constexpr int64 TicksPerMinute = 600000000;
/** The number of timespan ticks per second. */
inline constexpr int64 TicksPerSecond = 10000000;
/** The number of timespan ticks per week. */
inline constexpr int64 TicksPerWeek = 6048000000000;
/** The number of timespan ticks per year (365 days, not accounting for leap years). */
inline constexpr int64 TicksPerYear = 365 * TicksPerDay;
__asan_set_error_report_callback(ASanErrorCallback); AddressSanitizer(ASan)是一个用于检测内存错误的工具,它在编译时通过对代码进行插桩(instrumentation)来工作。主要用于发现诸如缓冲区溢出、使用已释放的内存、栈缓冲区溢出等多种内存错误。 内存越界访问/使用已释放的内存/栈缓冲区溢出
_set_invalid_parameter_handler 非法参数的处理
_CrtSetReportMode 断言的错误输出到调试器的输出窗口
_CrtSetDebugFillThreshold( 0 );
bool bNoExceptionHandler = FParse::Param(CmdLine,TEXT(“noexceptionhandler”)); (void)bNoExceptionHandler; 在一个作用域内声明了一个变量,但后续没有对其进行任何实质性的使用(比如没有参与任何运算、没有作为函数参数传递等),有些编译器会发出警告,提示存在未使用的变量。通过将变量强制转换为 void 类型,就相当于告诉编译器 “我知道这个变量在这里暂时没做什么实际用途,但我就是要声明它,别给我发警告了”。
ErrorLevel = GuardedMainWrapper( CmdLine ); 内部异常处理程序会捕获原生 C++ 代码中的崩溃和断言情况,并且在运行 64 位可执行文件时,它是获取正确调用栈的唯一途径。然而,XAudio2(可能是一个音频相关的组件或库)不喜欢这种情况,并且这可能会导致没有声音(即音频无法正常播放)。
* Setup the common debug settings
void SetupWindowsEnvironment( void )
// all crt validation should trigger the callback
// Disable the message box for assertions and just write to debugout instead
// don't fill buffers with 0xfd as we make assumptions for FNames st we only use a fraction of the entire buffer
_CrtSetDebugFillThreshold( 0 );
* The inner exception handler catches crashes/asserts in native C++ code and is the only way to get the correct callstack
* when running a 64-bit executable. However, XAudio2 doesn't like this and it may result in no sound.
LAUNCH_API int32 GuardedMainWrapper( const TCHAR* CmdLine )
int32 ErrorLevel = 0;
if ( GEnableInnerException )
// Run the guarded code.
ErrorLevel = GuardedMain( CmdLine );
__except( FPlatformMisc::GetCrashHandlingType() == ECrashHandlingType::Default ? (ReportCrash( GetExceptionInformation()), EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH )
// Deliberately do nothing but avoid warning C6322: Empty _except block.
// Run the guarded code.
ErrorLevel = GuardedMain( CmdLine );
return ErrorLevel;
LAUNCH_API int32 LaunchWindowsStartup( HINSTANCE hInInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, char*, int32 nCmdShow, const TCHAR* CmdLine )
// Setup common Windows settings
int32 ErrorLevel = 0;
hInstance = hInInstance;
if (!CmdLine)
CmdLine = ::GetCommandLineW();
// Attempt to process the command-line arguments using the standard Windows implementation
// (This ensures behavior parity with other platforms where argc and argv are used.)
if ( ProcessCommandLine() )
CmdLine = *GSavedCommandLine;
// If we're running in unattended mode, make sure we never display error dialogs if we crash.
if ( FParse::Param( CmdLine, TEXT("unattended") ) )
if ( FParse::Param( CmdLine,TEXT("crashreports") ) )
GAlwaysReportCrash = true;
bool bNoExceptionHandler = FParse::Param(CmdLine,TEXT("noexceptionhandler"));
bool bIgnoreDebugger = FParse::Param(CmdLine, TEXT("IgnoreDebugger"));
bool bIsDebuggerPresent = FPlatformMisc::IsDebuggerPresent() && !bIgnoreDebugger;
// Using the -noinnerexception parameter will disable the exception handler within native C++, which is call from managed code,
// which is called from this function.
// The default case is to have three wrapped exception handlers
// Native: WinMain() -> Native: GuardedMainWrapper().
// The inner exception handler in GuardedMainWrapper() catches crashes/asserts in native C++ code and is the only way to get the
// correct callstack when running a 64-bit executable. However, XAudio2 sometimes (?) don't like this and it may result in no sound.
#ifdef _WIN64
if ( FParse::Param(CmdLine,TEXT("noinnerexception")) || FApp::IsBenchmarking() || bNoExceptionHandler)
GEnableInnerException = false;
// When we're running embedded, assume that the outer application is going to be handling crash reporting
if (GUELibraryOverrideSettings.bIsEmbedded || !GAlwaysReportCrash)
if (GUELibraryOverrideSettings.bIsEmbedded || bNoExceptionHandler || (bIsDebuggerPresent && !GAlwaysReportCrash))
// Don't use exception handling when a debugger is attached to exactly trap the crash. This does NOT check
// whether we are the first instance or not!
ErrorLevel = GuardedMain( CmdLine );
// Use structured exception handling to trap any crashes, walk the the stack and display a crash dialog box.
GIsGuarded = 1;
// Run the guarded code.
ErrorLevel = GuardedMainWrapper( CmdLine );
GIsGuarded = 0;
__except( FPlatformMisc::GetCrashHandlingType() == ECrashHandlingType::Default
? ( GEnableInnerException ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : ReportCrash(GetExceptionInformation()) )
// Crashed.
ErrorLevel = 1;
FPlatformMisc::RequestExit( true, TEXT("LaunchWindowsStartup.ExceptionHandler"));
return ErrorLevel;
主要做了EnginePreInit/EditorInit/EngineTick/EngineExit PreInit里分二步PreInitPreStartupScreen和PreInitPostStartupScreen
* Static guarded main function. Rolled into own function so we can have error handling for debug/ release builds depending
* on whether a debugger is attached or not.
int32 GuardedMain( const TCHAR* CmdLine )
FTrackedActivity::GetEngineActivity().Update(TEXT("Starting"), FTrackedActivity::ELight::Yellow);
FTaskTagScope Scope(ETaskTag::EGameThread);
// If "-waitforattach" or "-WaitForDebugger" was specified, halt startup and wait for a debugger to attach before continuing
if (FParse::Param(CmdLine, TEXT("waitforattach")) || FParse::Param(CmdLine, TEXT("WaitForDebugger")))
while (!FPlatformMisc::IsDebuggerPresent())
// Super early init code. DO NOT MOVE THIS ANYWHERE ELSE!
// make sure GEngineLoop::Exit() is always called.
struct EngineLoopCleanupGuard
// Don't shut down the engine on scope exit when we are running embedded
// because the outer application will take care of that.
if (!GUELibraryOverrideSettings.bIsEmbedded)
} CleanupGuard;
// Set up minidump filename. We cannot do this directly inside main as we use an FString that requires
// destruction and main uses SEH.
// These names will be updated as soon as the Filemanager is set up so we can write to the log file.
// That will also use the user folder for installed builds so we don't write into program files or whatever.
FCString::Strcpy(MiniDumpFilenameW, *FString::Printf(TEXT("unreal-v%i-%s.dmp"), FEngineVersion::Current().GetChangelist(), *FDateTime::Now().ToString()));
int32 ErrorLevel = EnginePreInit( CmdLine );
// exit if PreInit failed.
if ( ErrorLevel != 0 || IsEngineExitRequested() )
return ErrorLevel;
FScopedSlowTask SlowTask(100, NSLOCTEXT("EngineInit", "EngineInit_Loading", "Loading..."));
// EnginePreInit leaves 20% unused in its slow task.
// Here we consume 80% immediately so that the percentage value on the splash screen doesn't change from one slow task to the next.
// (Note, we can't include the call to EnginePreInit in this ScopedSlowTask, because the engine isn't fully initialized at that point)
if (GIsEditor)
ErrorLevel = EditorInit(GEngineLoop);
ErrorLevel = EngineInit();
double EngineInitializationTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds() - GStartTime;
UE_LOG(LogLoad, Log, TEXT("(Engine Initialization) Total time: %.2f seconds"), EngineInitializationTime);
ACCUM_LOADTIME(TEXT("EngineInitialization"), EngineInitializationTime);
BootTimingPoint("Tick loop starting");
FTrackedActivity::GetEngineActivity().Update(TEXT("Ticking loop"), FTrackedActivity::ELight::Green);
// Don't tick if we're running an embedded engine - we rely on the outer
// application ticking us instead.
if (!GUELibraryOverrideSettings.bIsEmbedded)
while( !IsEngineExitRequested() )
TRACE_BOOKMARK(TEXT("Tick loop end"));
if( GIsEditor )
return ErrorLevel;
/** Time at which FPlatformTime::Seconds() was first initialized (before main) */
double GStartTime = FPlatformTime::InitTiming();
double FWindowsPlatformTime::InitTiming(void)
verify( QueryPerformanceFrequency(&Frequency) );
SecondsPerCycle = 1.0 / (double)Frequency.QuadPart;
SecondsPerCycle64 = 1.0 / (double)Frequency.QuadPart;
// Due to some limitation of the OS, we limit the polling frequency to 4 times per second,
// but it should be enough for longterm CPU usage monitoring.
static const float PollingInterval = 1.0f / 4.0f;
// Register a ticker delegate for updating the CPU utilization data.
FTSTicker::GetCoreTicker().AddTicker( FTickerDelegate::CreateStatic( &FPlatformTime::UpdateCPUTime ), PollingInterval );
return FPlatformTime::Seconds();
std::conditional_t 的作用是根据一个编译期条件表达式来选择不同的类型。在这里,条件是 AllocatorType::NeedsElementType。
如果 AllocatorType::NeedsElementType 为真:
那么会选择 typename AllocatorType::template ForElementType
template <int IndexSize, typename BaseMallocType = FMemory>
class TSizedHeapAllocator
template <int IndexSize> class TSizedDefaultAllocator : public TSizedHeapAllocator<IndexSize> { public: typedef TSizedHeapAllocator<IndexSize> Typedef; };
template<int IndexSize> class TSizedDefaultAllocator;
using FDefaultAllocator = TSizedDefaultAllocator<32>;
using FDefaultAllocator64 = TSizedDefaultAllocator<64>;
class FDefaultSetAllocator;
template<typename T, typename Allocator = FDefaultAllocator> class TArray;
template<typename InElementType, typename InAllocatorType>
class TArray
typedef typename InAllocatorType::SizeType SizeType;
typedef InElementType ElementType;
typedef InAllocatorType AllocatorType;
using ElementAllocatorType = std::conditional_t<
typename AllocatorType::template ForElementType<ElementType>,
typename AllocatorType::ForAnyElementType
ElementAllocatorType AllocatorInstance;
SizeType ArrayNum;
SizeType ArrayMax;
: ArrayNum(0)
, ArrayMax(AllocatorInstance.GetInitialCapacity())
const ElementAllocatorType& GetAllocatorInstance() const { return AllocatorInstance; }
ElementAllocatorType& GetAllocatorInstance() { return AllocatorInstance; }
* Constructor, initializes element number counters.
: ArrayNum(0)
, ArrayMax(AllocatorInstance.GetInitialCapacity())
* Constructor from a raw array of elements.
* @param Ptr A pointer to an array of elements to copy.
* @param Count The number of elements to copy from Ptr.
* @see Append
FORCEINLINE TArray(const ElementType* Ptr, SizeType Count)
if (Count < 0)
// Cast to USizeType first to prevent sign extension on negative sizes, producing unusually large values.
UE::Core::Private::OnInvalidArrayNum((unsigned long long)(USizeType)Count);
check(Ptr != nullptr || Count == 0);
CopyToEmpty(Ptr, Count, 0);
template <typename OtherElementType, typename OtherSizeType>
explicit TArray(const TArrayView<OtherElementType, OtherSizeType>& Other);
* Initializer list constructor
TArray(std::initializer_list<InElementType> InitList)
// This is not strictly legal, as std::initializer_list's iterators are not guaranteed to be pointers, but
// this appears to be the case on all of our implementations. Also, if it's not true on a new implementation,
// it will fail to compile rather than behave badly.
CopyToEmpty(InitList.begin(), (SizeType)InitList.size(), 0);
* Copy constructor with changed allocator. Use the common routine to perform the copy.
* @param Other The source array to copy.
template <
typename OtherElementType,
typename OtherAllocator
UE_REQUIRES(UE4Array_Private::TArrayElementsAreCompatible_V<ElementType, const OtherElementType&>)
FORCEINLINE explicit TArray(const TArray<OtherElementType, OtherAllocator>& Other)
CopyToEmpty(Other.GetData(), Other.Num(), 0);
* Copy constructor. Use the common routine to perform the copy.
* @param Other The source array to copy.
FORCEINLINE TArray(const TArray& Other)
CopyToEmpty(Other.GetData(), Other.Num(), 0);
* Copy constructor. Use the common routine to perform the copy.
* @param Other The source array to copy.
* @param ExtraSlack Tells how much extra memory should be preallocated
* at the end of the array in the number of elements.
FORCEINLINE TArray(const TArray& Other, SizeType ExtraSlack)
CopyToEmptyWithSlack(Other.GetData(), Other.Num(), 0, ExtraSlack);
/** Which allocator is being used */
enum EMemoryAllocatorToUse
Ansi, // Default C allocator
Stomp, // Allocator to check for memory stomping
TBB, // Thread Building Blocks malloc
Jemalloc, // Linux/FreeBSD malloc
Binned, // Older binned malloc
Binned2, // Newer binned malloc
Binned3, // Newer VM-based binned malloc, 64 bit only
Platform, // Custom platform specific allocator
Mimalloc, // mimalloc //TBB 64-bit scalable memory allocator
Libpas, // libpas
FMalloc* FWindowsPlatformMemory::BaseAllocator()
static FMalloc* Instance = nullptr;
if (Instance != nullptr)
return Instance;
// This allows tracking of allocations that don't happen within the engine's wrappers.
// This actually won't be compiled unless bDebugBuildsActuallyUseDebugCRT is set in the
// build configuration for UBT.
AllocatorToUse = EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Ansi;
// Mimalloc is now the default allocator for editor and programs because it has shown
// both great performance and as much as half the memory usage of TBB after
// heavy editor workloads. See CL 15887498 description for benchmarks.
AllocatorToUse = EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Mimalloc;
AllocatorToUse = EMemoryAllocatorToUse::TBB;
AllocatorToUse = EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Binned3;
AllocatorToUse = EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Binned2;
AllocatorToUse = EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Binned;
// If not shipping, allow overriding with command line options, this happens very early so we need to use windows functions
const TCHAR* CommandLine = ::GetCommandLineW();
if (FCString::Stristr(CommandLine, TEXT("-libpasmalloc")))
AllocatorToUse = EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Libpas;
else if (FCString::Stristr(CommandLine, TEXT("-ansimalloc")))
// see FPlatformMisc::GetProcessDiagnostics()
AllocatorToUse = EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Ansi;
else if (FCString::Stristr(CommandLine, TEXT("-tbbmalloc")))
AllocatorToUse = EMemoryAllocatorToUse::TBB;
else if (FCString::Stristr(CommandLine, TEXT("-mimalloc")))
AllocatorToUse = EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Mimalloc;
else if (FCString::Stristr(CommandLine, TEXT("-binnedmalloc3")))
AllocatorToUse = EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Binned3;
else if (FCString::Stristr(CommandLine, TEXT("-binnedmalloc2")))
AllocatorToUse = EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Binned2;
else if (FCString::Stristr(CommandLine, TEXT("-binnedmalloc")))
AllocatorToUse = EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Binned;
else if (FCString::Stristr(CommandLine, TEXT("-stompmalloc")))
// see FPlatformMisc::GetProcessDiagnostics()
AllocatorToUse = EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Stomp;
if (FCString::Stristr(CommandLine, TEXT("-stomp2malloc")))
GMallocStomp2Enabled = true;
if (FCString::Stristr(CommandLine, TEXT("-doublefreefinder")))
GMallocDoubleFreeFinderEnabled = true;
switch (AllocatorToUse)
case EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Ansi:
Instance = new FMallocAnsi();
case EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Stomp:
Instance = new FMallocStomp();
case EMemoryAllocatorToUse::TBB:
Instance = new FMallocTBB();
case EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Mimalloc:
Instance = new FMallocMimalloc();
case EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Libpas:
Instance = new FMallocLibpas();
case EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Binned2:
Instance = new FMallocBinned2();
case EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Binned3:
Instance = new FMallocBinned3();
default: // intentional fall-through
case EMemoryAllocatorToUse::Binned:
Instance = new FMallocBinned((uint32)(GetConstants().BinnedPageSize&MAX_uint32), (uint64)MAX_uint32 + 1);
return Instance;
源码工程中设置SlateViewer为启动项即可,Engine/Source/Programs/SlateViewer/Private/SlateViewerApp.cpp 默认只显示一个示例窗口,启动加testsuite参数可显示更详尽的
FGlobalTabmanager::Get()->SetApplicationTitle(LOCTEXT("AppTitle", "Starship Slate Viewer"));
RestoreStarshipSuite(); //默认窗口
if (FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("testsuite")))
class UGarbageCollectionSettings : public UDeveloperSettings
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config, Category = General, meta = (
ConsoleVariable = "gc.TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects", DisplayName = "Time Between Purging Pending Kill Objects",
ToolTip = "Time in seconds (game time) we should wait between purging object references to objects that are pending kill."))
float TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects
class UEngine{
/** Updates the timer between garbage collection such that at the next opportunity garbage collection will be run. */
ENGINE_API void ForceGarbageCollection(bool bFullPurge = false);
* Requests a one frame delay of Garbage Collection
ENGINE_API void DelayGarbageCollection();
* Updates the timer (as a one-off) that is used to trigger garbage collection; this should only be used for things
* like performance tests, using it recklessly can dramatically increase memory usage and cost of the eventual GC.
* Note: Things that force a GC will still force a GC after using this method (and they will also reset the timer)
ENGINE_API void SetTimeUntilNextGarbageCollection(float MinTimeUntilNextPass);
* Returns the current desired time between garbage collection passes (not the time remaining)
ENGINE_API float GetTimeBetweenGarbageCollectionPasses() const;